We make computers work,
that's what we do!
I would just like to say how pleased i was with service you provided me, and also the back up when i was unsure of what needed to be done. The time you gave me was much appreciated and i would reccomend you to anybody asking me if i knew of a reliable PC repair service.
Mick Newall
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Had a bump or a fall with your system, maybe spilt something on the keyboard?
Let us take a look, we can provide an ABI approved assessment report.
Normally this can be provided with full details of the system and recovery options and costs within 24 hours. We will happily talk to the insurance company following our report to ease the completion and resolution of your claim.
Contact Us Now

I would just like to say how pleased i was with service you provided me, and also the back up when i was unsure of what needed to be done. The time you gave me was much appreciated and i would reccomend you to anybody asking me if i knew of a reliable PC repair service.
Mick Newall
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